Category Archives: Marketing Services

Digital Marketing strategies for Credit counseling agencies

With the evolution of technology happening at a breakneck speed, financial institutions have to adapt and bring selves at par with the changes, to use gathered data and advanced analytics to gain substantial advantage via personalized communication and enhanced customer experience.

Changes are though visible in all the fields but are more pronounced in the field of marketing, there is a vast array of new  technologies  and strategies available, for which banks, credit counseling agencies and credit unions must  not only be agile but also open to willingly accept the change. Creating and establishing an efficient marketing communications strategy— as per client’s perspective — enables growth, loyalty and profitability. Diving straight into the marketing process without proper planning and not taking advantage of the available tools of technology available is a sure-shot failed project, from the start.

Some trends to look forward for the credit counseling agencies-

  1. AI and Machine Learning (ML) – The importance of AI based tools can’t be emphasized more for financial institutions. As they maneuver beyond its use in detecting risk, fraud and compliance, AI and ML have taken centre-stage and are becoming mainstream technologies, thus the fact that marketers must understand their benefits and uses, is undeniable. It is imperative for every financial marketing organization to have a well thought of AI strategy in 2021. Use of keywords and search histories to configure consumer intent, is in the past now. With the availability of AI based tools and techniques and machine learning, credit counseling agencies and credit unions can identify the consumer’s intention automatically, thereby effective use of sources such as social media, online account transactions and related behaviors can self-determine the match and the resultant intent to offerings.

(P.C. – Unsplash, @photoshobby)

2. Chat-bots – The use of this technology has already gained stronghold as a key component of various online portals, whether they be of customer care or marketing or banking, etc. With the current trend witnessing a surge in the usage of this application, the use of chat-bots is only going up north. The initial purpose of chat-bots were that to replace human customer service representatives who were managing predictable inquiries, routine tasks or frequently asked questions, in a bid to save extra financial costs, chat-bots were launched and hence their efficacy has improved the fortunes of many. The best part about Chat-bots is the convenience offered, i.e. they can be integrated with a website, an application, or even with a social media platform. The information gathered and stored, can later be used to better customize financial marketing strategies. As more and more credit counseling agencies and credit unions have gained ease for using chat-bots, more has been the increase in the use of chat-bots for sending personalized advisory mails as well as, enhanced and productive engagements with customers and members, has been observed. We at Zivanta Analytics can assist you with this technology to help you gain the exact traction you are seeking.

3. Mobile Marketing- With such a large population now having access to mobiles and prefer performing search inquiries and accessing their financial accounts via their mobile devices, it is high time now that credit counseling agencies and credit unions urgently re-work their marketing strategies focusing on mobile, and not only now keeping it limited to providing account information, but also designing it in a way to inform, engage and advise customers who are on-the-go. This doesn’t halt at ensuring that your site has been designed and created with mobile users in mind from a design perspective, but also seriously focus and emphasize on the content provided. It is of prime importance to work as per the intent of the consumers who in all likelihood are going to search your website on a mobile, and, those as well who shall engage in a transaction on digital devices. Therefore, it is for the agencies and banks to ensure that it is convenient for their client to access the information that may be needed and to productively engage with them using on-time insights generated via analytics.

4. Geo-location Targeting – Geo-location is a part of latest technology offering that can help with the use of devices to help in knowing the location of a customer or a future client. The location of the mobile device can be tracked and monitored via Bluetooth, Internet, IP address and/or GPS.

With the help of this financial institutions can target specific messages created for a those users who lie within a particular geographic region simultaneously, at the same time. With the help of geo-location, credit counseling agencies or credit unions can keep a track on consumer behavior on the basis of information available as per their last location’s, this can be further enhanced with the use of data analytics tools. This information generated and stored over time, can assist financial institutions in predicting the locations/areas frequented by the users and thereby, tailor personalized offers with the help of that information.

5. Interactive website design and content – Consumers are always looking for beauty and comfort, leading to an easy consumer experience, therefore establishing a healthy company-client experience in the initial step itself. Therefore, the website should not only be pleasing to the visual senses, offer ease of usage but also be knowledgeable at the same time and that can be possible only if there’s engaging and relevant content to capture the interest of the users.

(P.C. -N26s polished Google-style website)

The financial market is under lot of stress and generating adequate ROI as well as maintaining and enhancing their customer base is of prime importance. Therefore, enhanced use of technological tools and data analytics will prove to be a game-changer and the key to go forward.

Non-Profits….Here’s How You Can Rise up with the Help of Digital Marketing!!

Social media is an immensely powerful tool, which can help social organizations to achieve their target goal and effectively carry out their operations, be it for human or animal welfare or helping the environment, the list is endless; but one thing which immediately strikes the mind of the people is lack of funds, which stands true in a lot of cases across the board.

Since charities and not-for-profits mostly work on a limited budget, it is a challenge that can’t be over-looked and with the ever-growing expenses, performing a multitude of activities becomes a task in itself. Digital Marketing encompasses a lot of different activities be it brand recognition, engaging consumers actively, running membership campaigns, etc. Therefore, it becomes easier for the bigger charities but the real deal happens with the smaller and medium organizations, and here is where Zivanta Marketing can help you set your goals and achieve your target.

A highly feasible option can be maintaining an active and an interactive social media page, across various channels and tap the audience there as well as create a user-friendly interaction and at the same time ensuring that the message for which your charity stands for is being dispersed to the audience at large and ensuring their participation, at the same time.

Ways to promote your message

1. Use of channels like Instagram, Twitter, FaceBook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, etc. – These are varied platforms and offer interaction with audiences in a different way and each channel has their own set of unique users and thus, maintaining an open communication line across different channels, shall bring in people from different walks of life, enlarge your consumer base and most importantly, if the message given is effectively spread out and is felt as genuine, then people themselves shall spread a word about your activities, thus, in the process, making your organization trustworthy and reliable

2. Relevant O.G. tags, meta-tags and use of hash-tags – While creating any social media post, it is important to use relevant hash-tags(#) to easily track, segregate and categorize your content. If your Keyword is preceded by a hash=tag then it lets the user easily search for your content within a particular category, if it falls under their area of interest. In the same manner, pre-fixing relevant meta and o.g. tags for the articles and media galleries on your webpage but not using the hash-tag symbol, can result in letting the user track your content and land up on the desired content. So, basically tags help in organizing same type of posts under a common heading and once the mouse has been clicked upon, it shall divert visitors to the archives page.

(P.C. – Unsplash, @jontyson)

3. Interactive e-mail marketing – Though, people when often are bombarded with a slew of irrelevant mails, they either delete or ignore them, until and unless, they aren’t something of significance to them or unusually stand out apart from the rest. But, it shouldn’t be forgotten that e-mail marketing campaigns are a very strong medium to convey your message to the people, at large. Adding a visually appealing subscription link to your website or social media page and once when the user reaches there, then collecting their e-mail ids to keep them abreast with the latest happenings of your organization, latest initiatives, articles, membership drives, etc. can prove to be a game-changer.

(P.C. – Unsplash, @hostreviews)

4. Use of back-links and influencers – Use and presence of back-links on any website can’t be emphasized more, i.e. in order to build your authority and reach online. Effective use of sharing icon across social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) will definitely help a lot, but the key to seeing optimum results is being pro-active.When your page is linked to other sites, it’s you who is benefitted the most, i.e. your website’s reliability as a source of go-to information is improved. Google shall give higher credit to a website that has a maximum number of back-links, thereby making it more relevant.

Reaching out to relevant influencers and celebrities, who feel about your cause, undoubtedly can help in generating buzz around your activities and give you the much needed leverage, for instance Brad Pitt supporting Donate Life America.

(P.C.- Unsplash, @diggitymarketing)

5.Video Campaign Optimization – Since videos are a constant on your website, they can be used in direct digital marketing initiatives, for instance, using videos in your mail campaigns can instantly double or even triple your click-through-rates and immensely boost your landing page conversion results.

 Videos give a golden chance to the creator to make such videos which can inspire emotions in the hearts of the viewers with the help of strong images and music, this not only helps in creating an impact, building genuine trust but also enable people to make donations for the said cause.

There are immense ways in digital marketing to chart out a customized strategy for you to attain your goals but with proper planning and a well laid out strategy in place, not only can you make your voice heard out and stand apart from the competition but also have a positive ROI to boost your earnings and our experts at Zivanta Marketing can be your partner in this exciting journey ahead.

Why you should care about Digital Marketing

“People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.” –Simon Sinek

This quote couldn’t have been truer, for any marketer and their targeted audience, it is imperative to sell not only their products or services but the story behind it, because ultimately, that’s what convinces the customer to be genuinely attached to your offering and most importantly, build faith over it. So, where does digital marketing come in? Digital marketing is a tool whose importance can’t be undermined for any business or profession, per se. Therefore, those who are successful have a well thought of and a well strategized plan behind their digital marketing initiatives, those initiatives are designed in such a way which tug at the hearts of the audience, thus, not only an invocating feeling of trust but also building a bridge for genuine connectivity, and we at Zivanta Marketing can precisely help you do that.

Maintaining competitive market relevance, reputation, relevance, and positive customer engagement will determine the sustainability of your business ultimately which links back to great marketing.

(P.C- Unsplash, @clarktibbs)

How does Digital Marketing help you?

  1. Helps in consumer gaining insights about your business – Avoiding guess-work is imperative to create the right set of metrics; therefore, testing a different sets of messages before hitting the targeted baseline message for your audience is the key. For every marketer, it is important to understand the needs of their target audience and create the right content to convey the message for what the business stands.
  2. Targeted digital marketing helps the business stay relevant – Sometimes businesses take everything to be fine when there is no complaint or any issue raised by the consumer but is that sufficient? Sadly, the truth is no, the most important thing to look out for is determining whether you are on the top of your consumer’s preference. Thus, it is very important to tap on the potential of staying relevant in your clients mind and this can only happen if the relationship is personal and carries meaning for the consumer. But, one thing should be kept in mind and i.e. that before rapidly acquiring new customers, due respect and importance should be given to the existing ones, not only does this help in maintaining brand loyalty but also makes the existing users feel privileged and important.
  3. It opens up avenues for revenue and boosts sales – For small businesses, start-ups, not-for-profits, earnings and savings form a major part of their sustenance. Since, in the early days the afore-mentioned types have a limited cash chest to splurge upon, that’s where proper and directed marketing plans can help you penetrate the new markets. Once, your presence is established, therefore, it shall result in generation of more cash and thus opening of more opportunities for you. This shall also enable you to have the freedom of letting go of those customers who don’t further your sustenance rather creates unwarranted burden. If proper marketing isn’t done, then you shall have to tap those limited market opportunities and work with limited clients, even if they aren’t of your liking.

In terms of sales, if the proper targeted channel has been effectively utilized and features on the priority of your audience, voila, your work is done. Hence, following a genuine yet an innovative line of thinking, shall trigger the decision of purchasing your offered product or service and if they like it, then they shall become the best investment, because they act as unspoken brand ambassadors for your business and help in generating a positive aura around your work.

  1. Maintaining an effective and an engaging channel with your audience- To stay relevant in the game is of prime importance and that can happen only if there is dynamic and vibrant engagement with the customers and targeted marketing helps you achieve that. Therefore, sharing news-worthy, fresh and relevant content is where the magic happens and most importantly being appreciative of your clients time makes them feel important. Therefore, conveying your message in a short yet engaging and crisp manner definitely rules the roost.

An undoubtedly, effective tool for you in this battle should be those various platforms of Social media, which can help in spreading your message to the people, across the globe and help them engage effectively with your organization. We at Zivanta Marketing can help you in creating and maintaining your social media channels and create useful and engaging content for your targeted audience, to help you generate the right kind of publicity.

(P.C- Unsplash, @merakist)


  1. Digital Marketing metrics help the management to make informed decisions – A proper and a detailed study of trends and their subsequent data analytics shall help the management of any company to formulate future course of action, maintain budget and undertake corrective measures, if required. Why is this data of importance, this is so because, it helps maintain a link between the business and the society, so that they are able to generate and receive the directed message, respectively. At Zivanta Marketing, we have a dedicated team of experts who can help you in analyzing the complex data for you and help you in charting out the areas for your future growth and undertake corrective actions, on a timely basis.

(P.C. – Unsplash, @campaign_creators)

 In this highly competitive world of marketing, where competitors engage in aggressive marketing to stay on top of the game, proves the efficacy and efficiency of a well designed digital marketing plan. The importance of the same can’t be denied for any business of any sector, but attracting your customers after a good research and maintaining a positive aura around your campaign can result in wonders for you; but having said that, innovation is the name of the game and hence, continuous new ways to generate attraction and engaging your customers will not only boost your image but also make you stay ahead in the race.

Consumer Behavior & Marketing Practices after the Pandemic

Everything which was a given or was constant pre- COVID 19 has turned topsy turvy, the routine which was a given earlier is now rapidly changing, therefore, people are changing their priorities and way of living. Marketing is one field which is highly dynamic and there shall be possible permanent alterations that have to be incorporated to keep up with the changing times.

Need of the hour- Focus on the basics

 To say the table of needs has inverted won’t be wrong, as the basic needs and necessities have gained prominence and luxury goods and services have taken a hit, which is true for obvious reasons, as people are losing jobs and source of livelihood, managing finances prudently is the need of the hour and even if not that, then since people are mostly spending most of their time indoors, hence spending on items apart from necessity, don’t create much value. This is where businesses dealing in essential services, goods and commodities or selling medicines or safety goods are in a good position to overcome this pandemic and shall stay afloat even after COVID-19 gets over. Unfortunately, the news isn’t that great for tourism sector, entertainment or the beauty industry, per se and a lot of strategic re-working has to be undertaken.

For instance brands like Sephora, L’Oreal, Bobbi Brown, etc. are offering customers’ virtual make-up application try-ons, this has ushered in a wave of tech-based virtual customer acquisition and interaction, thus, where companies may not need the conventional brick- and – mortar stores but can carry on business virtually. Therefore, the immense importance of a strong virtual presence and an interactive website can’t be undermined and Zivanta Marketing can help you in achieving that advantageous spot for you.

Changes in Consumer pattern- Areas to focus on      

1. The Three ‘E’s – E-commerce, Education and Entertainment E-commerce activities have jumped to a new high during the pandemic and this trend has been noted worldwide, be it for delivery of essentials, grocery, medicines or anything under the roof. People prefer shopping online, whilst sitting at home and avoiding contact with others due to safety concerns and this trend shall definitely continue, more-so, small online players too have picked up the pace and have created their own niche during this time, thereby not only building loyal customers but also building a reputation for selves.

Education – With children staying at home and studying online, so are the college going youth, therefore a lot of online education portals have taken up this space to encourage people to effectively enhance their skill-set. Latest, jumping on the bandwagon are the working and experienced professionals, who have enrolled themselves in these online courses to not only brush up their skills but also keep themselves abreast with the latest developments and progress professionally, for instance platforms like Udemy, Domestika are offering professional, short-term courses at cheaper rates to attract people and have considerably captured a huge market.

(P.C. – Unsplash, @thomascpark)

2. Focus on no-touch product and service deliveryWith still major parts of our activity being digital-based, there is still an overwhelming need felt for human-based interactions in some crucial sectors like retail, thus, there arises the need for low and no-touch delivery. From QR code reading to text messages, outside post pickup and delivery, organizations are changing service standards and operations to meet the new safety standards and expectations around adapting to consumer and employee health and safety practices.

Although with these changes being introduced, retailers shall continue to find new ways to display products and services in a safe environment, thus, they should actively leverage tools which can work with the help of augmented reality, virtual reality and building sapid websites that facilitate online orders and/or other e-commerce features.

3.Tapping changes in eating habits – With the pandemic unleashing its wrath on the immunity of the people, there was an unprecedented spurt observed in the focus of the people changing towards health and immunity-boosting foods and avoiding outside food, rather focusing on home-cooked food. In the post-pandemic order, once people start their hectic routine life, they shall still look for healthier options but those too shall be quick and easy, hence, opening avenues for small businesses who are dealing with organic packed food, healthy dietary supplements, home-based pre-cooked meals, DIY kitchen kits, etc. Therefore, there is a huge opportunity for small businesses and upcoming entrepreneurs to tap this market which has a booming potential, and build their own digital space, to not only expand their customer base but also create an interactive digital platform to support the growth of their future business expansion and Zivanta Marketing can help you do just that, by creating and launching a professional and an interactive website for your business, which customers shall love to interact with.

(P.C.- Unsplash, @kimzy)

4. Focus on mental and physical fitness- With the fear and uncertainty of the pandemic affecting even the strongest of the minds, due to lack of clarity and an unaccounted for upheaval, people have turned to online meditation and yoga classes for gaining mental peace, building mental resilience and also building a healthy physique. With sitting and working from home and, leading to a sedentary lifestyle, people have joined online gym classes to continue with a healthy lifestyle and at the same time avoiding contact with others. Therefore, tools like VR/ AR and effective use of social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram etc. have helped generate buzz around these services and have enabled in creating a holistic environment wherein the beneficiaries are able to use all these services within the comfort of their homes, but most importantly have opened a plethora of opportunities for small gym-owners, health centers to build their name and reputation in the highly competitive market.

(P.C. – Unsplash, @jareddrice)

With every challenge comes an untapped opportunity, it is up-to the organization and marketers to decide, how they wish to go ahead. Nowadays, money is being invested more on digital media platforms; therefore, it shall be prudent to create a good digital media mix of mobile phone, social media and videos, by keeping in mind the reaction of your targeted audience. Focus these days, is more on personalization, a clear point of communication has to be established with the customers and most importantly, those organization/brands which focus more on the social good, definitely have an advantage as that helps builds positivity amongst people to weather these tough and negative times. Consumer patterns have changed, and that change is irrevocable, it is now for the companies to decide how to invest their money and reap a good ROI, even in these challenging times.

Digital Marketing in 2021 – Watch Out for Upcoming Changes

With the year 2020, nearly on the verge of being rounded up, it’s time to peak out of the window and gauge the upcoming market trends to understand and be prepared for the future and gain competitive advantage over your competitors. Being ready before hand can shape your strategic position and communications and help evolve a business design which can facilitate your interaction with the targeted audience and yield the desired results for you; because the audience per se, these days though can be geographically scattered but the time they spend across various social media handles makes them a positive point for generation of loyal customers. A lesson in point was this year 2020, where people weren’t prepared for the severity of COVID and hence, their business plans got derailed and many suffered from unexpected losses, therefore, as they say, a stitch in time saves nine.

Trends to look out for in 2021

  1. Artificial Intelligence and AI powered Chat-bots – AI today is all-pervasive, across all business fields and sectors, and whose importance can’t be undermined, to say the least. AI-powered tools help to analyze data sets, track communications, enhance productivity, help in streamlining, predict consumer behavior and pattern predictions’, etc. Therefore, spending money on AI is an investment for your company’s bright future. Though, money shouldn’t be an overwhelming issue for you, as we at Zivanta Marketing understand the demands of upcoming businesses and non-profits and therefore offer cutting edge AI-powered suggestions to you in your budget.

       Investing in a personalized and a spontaneous customer support option that promptly responds to queries of your customers and engages your on-site page visitors, this can boost your prospects and convert tentative leads into permanent customers. It shall also help in gathering data about the most-asked questions and communication patterns.

(P.C. – Unsplash, @markuswinkler)

2. Trends for shoppable posts – With companies, especially the ones belonging to the e-commerce sector, actively using Social media platforms to directly promote their products or services or they engage a popular influencer to endorse their services, this results in the fact that the audience or the user wants a stream-lined buying experience, i.e. buying only via one social media platform and avoiding the hassle of screen shifting. Least to say, Social media has emerged as one of top marketplaces for the consumers, for instance platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, Whatsapp, all have emerged as online shopping arenas.

(P.C.-  Unsplash, @laurachouette)

3. Video marketing trend – Video marketing is going to prove to be a backbone for digital marketing firms in the year 2021, not only does visibility build trust but it also creates and presents a visual imagery in the minds of the users and your targeted audience, thus, imprinting your brand value or message in their memory. Visual cues always generate curiosity and this works for the organizations and more-so, if the content has been curated as per the tastes of the targeted audience, therefore, making DIY videos, consumer interactive stories, animated videos, styling videos, influencer featured videos, etc. can create an indelible impression on the minds of the users and influence them to buy your offerings.

(P.C. – Unsplash, @brookelark)

4. Google Apps- Tools designed for smart bidding – There’s a heavy dependency of Google Ads on machine learning to streamline an organization’s bidding attempts so that they achieve and realize the maximum value on the conversion. The intensifications reported at Google Marketing Live have allowed those bids, which were seen before with the capability to pick conversion activities to the extent of campaigning manifestation.

5. Interactive Content Trend- Content has always been the king and nothing ever said can lessen the importance of it. Interactive content like AR/VR videos, live quizzes, polls, all tend to capture the interest of the targeted audience and ensure maximum customer engagement. This not only ensures more time spent by the users on web engagement, longer time stayed on the website, but also enhances direct communication, thus building trust and opening new channels of communication. This ultimately enhances your brand awareness and increases reputation.

With the year 2020, throwing unprecedented challenges, it is always better to amp up your digital marketing strategy and stay ahead of your competitors. These were just some of the trends we have highlighted which, if focused upon can yield amazing results for you and our team at Zivanta Analytics shall guide you in further re-defining your digital marketing strategy and ensure that you stay ahead of the curve.

Easy Hacks to boost your ROI

With the rise in the expectations of the customer approaching businesses online, as well as with the influx of massive data from all corners, it has become increasingly complex as well as competitive for the organizations across the spectrum to use this information, to the best of their capability. To meet the demands of the consumers, especially during these times, where direct interaction is down to the minimum, personalization is what rules the roost, having said that, it is expensive and without a well thought of and a powerful digital marketing strategy it won’t be possible to unleash your campaign to its full potential.

Having said that ROI, is the most important feature to enhance and track the efficiency and efficacy of your digital marketing initiatives as well as, the key is to keep the rising costs within your budget, especially if you have recently started a venture or are running a non-profit, fret not, Zivanta Marketing shall help you with our cutting edge and straight-forward analytics to help you formulate the best decisions for your digital marketing campaigns.

(P.C.- Unsplash, @austindistel)

Ways to enhance your ROI

  1. Establish your ROI targets – Before establishing your ROI goals, it is important to be S-M-A-R-T, i.e. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound, as a general business practice, a good marketing ROI is that of 5:1, implying generating $5 in sales for every $1 spent. A ratio of more than 5:1 is considered strong across most sectors, whereas 10:1 is outstandingly high. Achieving more than 10:1 is achievable but not highly expected.

Therefore, it is best for organizations to set realistic and achievable goals and target those goals which are achievable, depending on various variables, like the industry, cost involved, etc.

  1. Experiment and incorporate changes at regular intervals – With so many marketing activities at play, at once, it becomes over-whelming at times. But, it is important to take stock of what is working and what not, for instance was there an increase in revenue post adopting new marketing strategies, if yes, then what worked and if not, then what were the reason behind it, tracking unique website visitors, qualified leads, etc.

 For instance, Lenovo, effectively used the large data generated everyday to improve their services as well as introduce a new line of product, at the same time maintaining a direct line of communication with its existing consumers and building new ones. To leverage the large set of data collected, they built a team dedicated only for data analytics in their E-commerce team, to interpret and analyze data from 60 sources across the world.

  1. Create targeted content for your audience – With constant bombardment of excessive information, inputs, and variable content from multiple sources, your targeted audience can be legitimately confused, therefore, your content should not only be unique but sell its own story, thereby, indicating that content is the king.

Before content creation, it is important to identify your targeted audience and then further segregate it on the basis of gender, geographical location, areas of interest, etc.

Therefore, these are some points to keep in mind, before going ahead;

  • Creating user-centric and curated content- Creating personalized, informational, insightful content for the audience and keeping in touch with them regularly.
  • Influencer marketing- This means targeting those individuals on the Social media who are related to your field and have a huge following, this kind of engagement not only generates trust and authenticity but also makes your product or services, more relatable.
  • Conducting regular surveys – The best way to work upon and trust is when you directly hear from the horse’s mouth, i.e. engage directly with the consumers by directly sending them surveys, engaging in live Q&A’s, podcasts, etc., this won’t only give a genuine feedback freed from any biases but also direct communication creates a pathway for trust and direct engagement.
  1. Leverage Automation technology and using predictive analytics– Marketers are increasingly on the look-out for efficient and effective market automation tools and services, which can regulate and automate simple and repetitive tasks to reduce their operational costs. This is the reason, perhaps why the automation tools industry is expected to by $6.4 billion by 2024.

Some of the benefits of using automation technology tools

  • Reduction in overhead costs
  • Work is streamlined, in terms of efficiency and productivity enhancement
  • Team accountability can be maintained
  • Help target potential customers with less efforts
  • More time to focus on productivity and creativity

(P.C.- Unsplash, @austindistel)

With the help of predictive analytics, which has now, undoubtedly, become an essential and an imperative tool that helps people measure and boost their ROI. It heavily uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to draw conclusions generated via humongous datasets, models, and algorithms to predict the future behavior of customers.

Predictive analytics most importantly assists marketers in identifying and prioritizing leads to understand their ideal consumer base that is nearest to conversion. It also helps in improving those efforts which can yield customer retention and increase conversion rates, as marketers are well informed and equipped with relevant information that enables them to understand customers’ needs.

It also lends the intellectual capacity to the marketers to plan well devised, informed and efficient marketing strategies that shall result in the best outputs’, based on consumer behavior.

With our expertise across this domain, Zivanta Analytics shall provide you with cutting edge analysis to help you target your potential leads and convert them into your future consumers.

Thereby, increasing ROI isn’t as tough and worrisome as it seems, with a well-placed strategy in place, without any distractions and a strong consumer centric focus, aligned to reach out to them; and most importantly using the above suggestions to create opportunities of challenges, will yield desirable results for your organization and create a loyal customer base.

Non-Profits lend your ears…ways to hack your growth!!

The importance of a well thought of and strategically placed digital marketing campaign can’t be undermined for any industry or any sector, more so, for small businesses or non-profits who wish to gain mass appeal and traction amongst the society, so we request you to lend us your ears and we will share some tactics to help you reach your way to the top.

How do you influence people to display a keen interest in your cause and resonate with what you say, is the most important key to directly hit upon the success tab, therefore ensuring that your message is well received.

To ensure that people hit upon that coveted share tab of their respective social media profiles and making your post go far-reaching, it has to generate high arousal emotions and connectivity. In today’s tough times, when people are reaching out to each other selflessly and want to be seen as kind and generous, that means they care about their reputation and this is applicable, for society per se.

How to emphasize on hitting the right chords?

  1. Building Social Pressure– Why this works without fail is the fact that, there is a push from the very first person who initiates this and puts pressure on his/her friends, family and social circle in general. The most successful example was that of the Ice bucket challenge, where celebrities across the globe, lent their support and making it a resounding success.
  2. Theory of Self – presentation- Self-presentation is behavior that tries to convey information about a person or project an ideal image of oneself to others. Imagine an act that makes you look so selfless! A good idea undoubtedly.

Imagine combining these two ingredients and you have a recipe for a successful campaign, for instance, let’s see a very successful charity campaign run by Charity Water, called as The Birthday Pledge, where people were encouraged to donate their next birthday to the cause and create a positive impact on the lives of others.

(P.C.-  Charity Water)

We will here list out Five growth hacking strategies which non-profits can implement, at no exorbitant cost and ensure success, because one small step ensures distance in miles;

  1. Work upon your website footers – Who thought that the footer of your website can create an impact, but if used well enough then yes it can. Strategic placement of your social media profile icons, which when clicked upon can direct t your social media profile, thus increasing traffic and generating leads.
  2. Optimizing Blog content for SEO- It is highly important to craft targeted blog content with the placement of right keywords, and this is of prime importance because of the fact that this will generate interest of users and increase website traffic. SEO is perpetually changing and shifting courses, therefore, simply adding meta-tags won’t help much.
  3. Focus on Conversion Rate Optimization- How many clicks does it take for a user on your app or website to reach to the donation/fund-raising page and what is the conversion rate, is the key to the matrix which should be of prime importance. Prioritizing and optimizing this process, will make it not only quick and smooth, but give a facilitative experience to the user, who would carry a positive image of your website.
  4. Explore Google Grants policy and other specific CSR initiatives- Google has an attractive policy for small businesses and non-profits to help them gain traction as well as train them on the ground, here Zivanta Marketing can help you in securing these grants, with a detailed hand-held approach. It will also be a wise step to identify those organizations whose CSR policies align with your interests’, this won’t only give financial leverage but also a much needed social image boost.
  5. Participating in Group discussions- One of the most effective yet an under-rated way to increase your website traffic and enhance brand value is to constantly participate in online discussion groups. Most effective and advantageous groups are those which are closely aligned with your cause or the broader nonprofit community. This shall not yield immediate results, but with a continuous and a well-thought-of strategy in place, it can result in unmeasured growth in the long term.

Platforms like LinkedIn and Idealist groups are amazing for nonprofits and result in generating awareness, which is of prime importance. It is for you to decide and experiment to see which groups respond favorably to your pieces of content and insights.

Use these strategies to put your plan into motion, definitely, there can be more ways to and this may result in confusion, but some efforts, diligence, and ingenuity can lead to amazing results for your organization.

Digital Marketing- Story after COVID-19 Pandemic

Something so unprecedented like the COVID-19 pandemic, has not only affected people at an individual level but businesses and more so, world economies in general, where people weren’t prepared to handle the setbacks, resultant of the pandemic. The, digital marketing industry has immense untapped opportunity to carve their way into unexplored forms of communication and relationship building; , be it business to business (B2B), business to consumer(B2C), or even fostering connections amongst people. But it is imperative for any looking to yield that power needs to understand how and where to start from.

The importance of correct use of Digital marketing can’t be emphasized more for small businesses, especially in USA where small businesses running since years now, are finding it tough to even stay afloat, for instance one amongst many of the struggling businesses in the area of Dallas, there is one in the southern suburb of Duncanville. A lady named Phyllis Lambert, who is 71-years-old and is operating a small jewelry store for nearly 30 years now, fears that she might go out of business, according to an article shared in The Dallas Morning News. Whereas major brands like KFC, Kroger, Aldi, Starbucks etc.  have come with interactive post-pandemic consumer attraction strategies, for instance, Starbucks used solicitude and sensitivity as a part of their strategic and intelligent COVID-19 marketing plan to counter the negative effects of coronavirus, affecting not only their business but the world in general, to spread positivity. Starbucks on its Instagram account recently shared a “thank you” message directed to all the first-line workers “who are working tirelessly to keep our communities safe” and offered everyone of them “a free tall iced or hot brewed coffee” at all the participating stores in U.S.A.

Ways to stay afloat after the Pandemic gets over

As an innovative and an out-of-the box thinking agency, Zivanta Marketing shall be your friend and guide in this journey of yours, so that you can successfully maneuver your way through this tough situation on hand:

  1. Develop your brand identity and ease of approachability– For any small business to create their image and enhance their brand value via digital marketing can be pocket-friendly and accessible rather than the traditional channels, it therefore creates a leveled playing field across different sectors and markets.
  2. Creating positive and enhanced user engagement with a targeted social media strategy – When creating social media info., it is imperative to be constantly aware of how one wants to project their brand image and the way it shall be perceived by the selected audience. So, it is not only important to be precise, positive, but also be appropriate and on time, because what’s trending today might be old news tomorrow.
  3. SEO To enhance your brand’s visibility, it is of utmost importance to have a proper play of SEO in background, i.e. to maintain and enhance web traffic, have a steady flow of high intent customers, etc. Investing in a well thought of SEO strategy won’t bring overnight changes, but in the long run shall ensure your success and ensuring your niche’.
  4. Dynamic Creative Optimization- With DCO brands can automatically create all pervasive and applicable types of ad formats at a much quicker rate than what humans are capable of doing, i.e. enhancing and maximizing the customer experience through personalized ads. Automated optimization can not only save millions of dollars in marketing budget allocation but allows enhanced and effective creative flexibility and control of the message. With the coming in of DCO, brands can conveniently avoid duplication of work with regards to reformatting and resizing of ads to meet the requirements of multitudinous channels — therefore permitting them to do more with less use of resources. In such uncertain times, brands can effectively use DCO to cater to customer needs, within their budget restrictions.

 We understand that these are challenging times, but challenges always present themselves with opportunities, and this too, shall not last forever, therefore, we as a digital marketing agency are there to let your business flourish and adopt newer approaches to let you achieve the coveted business spot!

Digital Marketing Strategies to Adopt During COVID-19 Pandemic

In a situation, where the pandemic has spread its tentacles, and left people grappling to ensure that sustainability is maintained; therefore it becomes imperative to have a proper well thought of marketing strategy in place, before entering the tough battle of digital visibility and impact creation.

While no one can deny the negative impact of COVID-19, but such dark hours always point out towards a dawn at the horizon, and hence innovative strategies to capture newer markets are also formulated, and Zivanta Marketing can successfully help you tide these tough times. In such times, it is essential to maintain a fine balance between being informative and helpful and being a spam bully.

There is always a new learning or development of latest technologies/products when any unexpected event strikes, for instance, a very glaring and a successful example is that of the Chinese conglomerate, The Alibaba group, which rose to the occasion and tapped the rising E-commerce market after the 2003 SARS outbreak and has maintained the tag of global leader in the digital market-place.

Digital Marketing Strategies to Overcome the Pandemic related Impact

1. Having a focused and integrated approach

Unlike pre-COVID times, where multiple engines of reaching out to the customer were tapped and worked upon, but in times like these, where people are afraid of venturing out, therefore, it becomes of prime importance to focus on digital marketing channels and also explore the untapped customer base. It would be in the interest of the marketers for they would have to understand the customer behavior and psyche continuously while using customized tools, data, and tech to stay ahead in the race. Traditional brand models tend to offer customers a generalized experience. But, it is important to realize that the buzzwords here are “personalized” and “relevant”, instead of a generic experience meant for everyone.

2. Emphasis on RoI

For any business entity it is the basic requirement to ensure success and sustainability, that their RoI remains higher. Therefore, it is important for any business entity to focus on higher revenue generating tools, like impactful SEO Practices, programmatic advertising and conversational marketing.

The buzzword these days is ‘Scenario Planning’, which is to see the impact of reduced ad spend on the sales.

3. Invest in Creative Campaigns

Due to no or less contact protocols being followed across the world, the marketing and advertising industry is no pariah towards this. Big brands like Nike, Google, Tesco are avoiding real-life shoots but investing more in VFX, animations, illustrations, motion graphics, stock footage, etc. Thus, indicating the growing market of these services.

There are many innovative campaigns which are run on social media handles, for instance, Ikea Israel, posted some instructions on their Facebook page, with instructions, to Simply stay at home, accompanied with a picture of a closed door and a toilet roll. Hence, not to under-estimate the vocal and immediate connecting power of digital media channels, the best part which is that these aren’t limited to the geographical barriers, thus carrying and building brand reputation across the globe.

4. Future Proofing

As an agency or a business entity, it is important to re-evaluate your client relationships, common purposes, joint philosophies, at regular intervals and evaluate, whether they shall last long, if yes, then you are on the right track, if not, then that implies there is course correction required. This is because, the impact of this pandemic shall stay but not long enough to shake the economical standing of the economies’, thereby, and this period shall be seen as a time to cover the lost ground and maintain a secure future with your existing clients and forge new relationships.

With the on-going pandemic, it has opened a Pandora ’s Box full of opportunities and untapped avenues, wherein the traditional go-to-market customers have turned to the space of e-commerce and other online activities. Though, the quantum of surge which is now being experienced could never be predicted earlier, but now is the time to stand up and deliver, because it is the moment to capture your place in the race of digital revolution and create your undisputed identity.

Top Digital Marketing Trends to Look Out For in 2021

Fast-changing technology and user expectations can make Digital Marketing professionals obsolete rather quickly if, they do not keep a tab on the latest developments.  Not many summers back terms like artificial intelligence, data-driven marketing, voice search engine optimization (VSEO) were not in the dictionary of a digital marketer. Lo and behold, today, these innovative digital marketing tools are the must-haves in the digital marketing toolbox.

Programmatic Advertising

Programmatic advertising essentially involves using AI tools to automate ad buying/capturing, real-time bidding is one such instance. This automation is much more efficient, effective and fast, resulting in higher conversions and lower customer acquisition costs. Brands like Netflix, StubHub, Kellogg, Sprint, Proctor and Gamble, Intel amongst others have already entered the Programmatic Advertising foray. Display advertising purchases in the United States, worth almost $50 billion, were made programmatically in 2018-19.

Influencer Marketing using AI

The world’s top influencer, Kylie Jenner gets paid $1.2 million/ post on Instagram. She is followed by Ariana Grande and Cristiano Ronaldo each earning $ 1 million per post on Instagram. Social media influencers who promote brands need not always be celebrities, innovative content creators like Banza or the Butcherbox, are big brand builders in their own right amongst their millions of followers. AI has taken away the guesswork in the selection of brand influencers. Artificial Intelligence-based tools help in identifying influencers with targeted engagement, detect fake followers and accounts thereby ensuring a positive return on investment (ROI).


As more and more people are indulging in online activities using their Smartphone, tabs, and other gadgets, they leave clues and footmarks all around the web. They might be looking for a product, service, information, or entertainment on the web. By leveraging this data, brands deliver on their needs in micro-moments and continue to keep the brand at the top of their mind. Brands like Clorox,, CVS Health have leveraged these micro-moments in their marketing strategy effectively.

Interactive content

Welcome to the world of 360 degree VR experience, online live quizzes and polls, embedded calculators, VR videos, etc. which marketers are using to engage customers. E.g. Addidas came up with an interactive Snapchat competition where the users could customize and show their designs of the product, and 4 winners stood a chance to turn their designs into a real Adidas collection. VenturePact, a software company built a calculator that helps its users estimate the cost of building an app, which also happens to be their target audience’s most common concern. In both the above instances there was a spike in user traffic and conversion.

SERP Position Zero

For the past couple of years, voice search has caused disruption in the market; it has immensely changed the way search engine optimization (SEO) functions. Remarkable is the rise of the featured snippet, which features in the highly craved for “position zero” in Google’s search engine results page.

Rank zero snippet or position zero, is the holy grail of modern-day SEO practice, as it straight away responds to user search queries without needing the user to click on any link. VSEO (voice search engine optimization) can give you an enormous competitive edge and credibility in the long run (notwithstanding, this can be a piece of amazing news for only one brand…and that brand can be yours, as Zivanta Marketing can help you scale those heights and let you attain the position of a market leader).

These were just a few snippets to give you a heads-up on the recent trends in Digital Marketing, but because of the ever-evolutionary nature of this field, the trends are dynamic and shall bring challenges and opportunities for any digital marketing agency.