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Social media is an immensely powerful tool, which can help social organizations to achieve their target goal and effectively carry out their operations, be it for human or animal welfare or helping the environment, the list is endless; but one thing which immediately strikes the mind of the people is lack of funds, which stands true in a lot of cases across the board.
Since charities and not-for-profits mostly work on a limited budget, it is a challenge that can’t be over-looked and with the ever-growing expenses, performing a multitude of activities becomes a task in itself. Digital Marketing encompasses a lot of different activities be it brand recognition, engaging consumers actively, running membership campaigns, etc. Therefore, it becomes easier for the bigger charities but the real deal happens with the smaller and medium organizations, and here is where Zivanta Marketing can help you set your goals and achieve your target.
A highly feasible option can be maintaining an active and an interactive social media page, across various channels and tap the audience there as well as create a user-friendly interaction and at the same time ensuring that the message for which your charity stands for is being dispersed to the audience at large and ensuring their participation, at the same time.
Ways to promote your message
1. Use of channels like Instagram, Twitter, FaceBook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, etc. – These are varied platforms and offer interaction with audiences in a different way and each channel has their own set of unique users and thus, maintaining an open communication line across different channels, shall bring in people from different walks of life, enlarge your consumer base and most importantly, if the message given is effectively spread out and is felt as genuine, then people themselves shall spread a word about your activities, thus, in the process, making your organization trustworthy and reliable
2. Relevant O.G. tags, meta-tags and use of hash-tags – While creating any social media post, it is important to use relevant hash-tags(#) to easily track, segregate and categorize your content. If your Keyword is preceded by a hash=tag then it lets the user easily search for your content within a particular category, if it falls under their area of interest. In the same manner, pre-fixing relevant meta and o.g. tags for the articles and media galleries on your webpage but not using the hash-tag symbol, can result in letting the user track your content and land up on the desired content. So, basically tags help in organizing same type of posts under a common heading and once the mouse has been clicked upon, it shall divert visitors to the archives page.
(P.C. – Unsplash, @jontyson)
3. Interactive e-mail marketing – Though, people when often are bombarded with a slew of irrelevant mails, they either delete or ignore them, until and unless, they aren’t something of significance to them or unusually stand out apart from the rest. But, it shouldn’t be forgotten that e-mail marketing campaigns are a very strong medium to convey your message to the people, at large. Adding a visually appealing subscription link to your website or social media page and once when the user reaches there, then collecting their e-mail ids to keep them abreast with the latest happenings of your organization, latest initiatives, articles, membership drives, etc. can prove to be a game-changer.
(P.C. – Unsplash, @hostreviews)
4. Use of back-links and influencers – Use and presence of back-links on any website can’t be emphasized more, i.e. in order to build your authority and reach online. Effective use of sharing icon across social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) will definitely help a lot, but the key to seeing optimum results is being pro-active.When your page is linked to other sites, it’s you who is benefitted the most, i.e. your website’s reliability as a source of go-to information is improved. Google shall give higher credit to a website that has a maximum number of back-links, thereby making it more relevant.
Reaching out to relevant influencers and celebrities, who feel about your cause, undoubtedly can help in generating buzz around your activities and give you the much needed leverage, for instance Brad Pitt supporting Donate Life America.
(P.C.- Unsplash, @diggitymarketing)
5.Video Campaign Optimization – Since videos are a constant on your website, they can be used in direct digital marketing initiatives, for instance, using videos in your mail campaigns can instantly double or even triple your click-through-rates and immensely boost your landing page conversion results.
Videos give a golden chance to the creator to make such videos which can inspire emotions in the hearts of the viewers with the help of strong images and music, this not only helps in creating an impact, building genuine trust but also enable people to make donations for the said cause.
There are immense ways in digital marketing to chart out a customized strategy for you to attain your goals but with proper planning and a well laid out strategy in place, not only can you make your voice heard out and stand apart from the competition but also have a positive ROI to boost your earnings and our experts at Zivanta Marketing can be your partner in this exciting journey ahead.