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Interact with digital marketing via the right strategy, which will be the main key to all success.

Digital Marketing is for Everyone
Provided its done right

In today’s world it is hard to find a service, a product or a cause which cannot be sold online. A lemonade store in the neighborhood or a multinational corporation both stand to gain from digital marketing. However what works for a multinational will not work for smaller businesses given the resources available, in-house expertise in place and its defined market geographies. The art and science of digital marketing dictate that there are no cookie cutter solutions. Each organization needs its unique strategy with an acceptable ROI tag to its online ad spends. At Zivanta Marketing we only work with small businesses and not for profits. We understand their imperatives, constraints and their demands lest to say we are well geared to match up.


Small Organizations Need Their Unique Approach

What works for them will not work for you: When you see a successful social media campaign of a giant company, which launched a YouTube Video Commercial, ran a hashtag campaign around it, offered free gifts worth thousands of dollars, and have engaged social media influencers, it’s tempting to emulate. This requires resources, which might be hard to find.

Starting small is not a bad thing: Not every business needs 10 channels to build an impressive ROI. You can build up a campaign progressively.

Experimentation leads to breakthroughs: New ideas need to be tested. An appetite for calibrated risk taking has significant rewards.

Gut feel does not work: Data and analytics are a better predictor of digital marketing campaign success. Sixth sense approach is not sustainable.

Big ad budgets need not always win : Digital marketing is a great leveler, ingenuity and creativity win over big marketing budgets used conventionally.


Its Not About Traffic, Its About Conversions

Window shoppers do not help improve bottom line, the footfall has to convert into sale.  Zivanta Marketing specializes in conversion marketing. We achieve high conversion rates through a number of approaches.  These include smart pop ups, creating compelling videos, Facebook marketing, interactive email content, setup live chat, engaging with people who leave a social post comment, make website more intuitive to aid customer action, add point of purchase up sell and many more. Our job is to get conversions, website traffic is just incidental.


Our Job Is To Keep You Ahead Of The Curve

We track the emerging digital marketing trends and offer the same to our clients.

Primed for Voice Search: Half of our consumers use voice assistants already. We optimize web content for voice search. We use keywords that commonly appear in voice searches and also those that answer the types of questions your customers are posing.

Live Video: It allows real-time interaction and has much to recommend. We strongly recommend our customers to leverage the power of live chat and converse with their customers, partners and supporters from around the globe, live.

Interactive Content: The growing trend right now is to develop content that allows audience members to actively engage with your brand. We design for interactivity through polls, animated infographics, quizzes, contests, assessments, online voting.

Private Messaging Apps: One emerging trend which Zivanta Marketing has adopted for its clients is the use of private messaging apps instead of relying solely on emails for personalized communication with customers.

Customize web content to Google BERT Update: Google has recently introduced BERT, a deep learning algorithm which will make search contextual to the words in query. We are helping our clients tweak their content wording to make it responsive to the BERT algorithm.

Content remains the king: The age old maxim in digital marketing that people ignore ads but like great content, still remains true. So content rich advertising is how we structure campaigns for our client, a content which goes beyond the immediacy of the brand but is relevant to the customer.

Video Content: Video content has become the kingpin of digital marketing in recent years. At Zivanta Marketing we produce content that uses videos to share personalize stories, challenges, and successes, thereby humanizing your brand. When people behind the brand are visible, consumer trust coefficient increases.

Artificial Intelligence : AI is transforming digital strategies, that may be through AI chatbots, personalized email marketing campaigns based on user behavior, curated content based on past behavior, spotting micro trends and more. Zivanta Marketing specializes in using AI technologies for digital marketing.

Augmented reality (AR) brings better visual recognition and emotional connect than conventional advertising by allowing you to experience the real world. Zivanta Marketing works with AR/VR technologies and can dovetail the same with your digital marketing requirements.