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In a situation, where the pandemic has spread its tentacles, and left people grappling to ensure that sustainability is maintained; therefore it becomes imperative to have a proper well thought of marketing strategy in place, before entering the tough battle of digital visibility and impact creation.
While no one can deny the negative impact of COVID-19, but such dark hours always point out towards a dawn at the horizon, and hence innovative strategies to capture newer markets are also formulated, and Zivanta Marketing can successfully help you tide these tough times. In such times, it is essential to maintain a fine balance between being informative and helpful and being a spam bully.
There is always a new learning or development of latest technologies/products when any unexpected event strikes, for instance, a very glaring and a successful example is that of the Chinese conglomerate, The Alibaba group, which rose to the occasion and tapped the rising E-commerce market after the 2003 SARS outbreak and has maintained the tag of global leader in the digital market-place.
Unlike pre-COVID times, where multiple engines of reaching out to the customer were tapped and worked upon, but in times like these, where people are afraid of venturing out, therefore, it becomes of prime importance to focus on digital marketing channels and also explore the untapped customer base. It would be in the interest of the marketers for they would have to understand the customer behavior and psyche continuously while using customized tools, data, and tech to stay ahead in the race. Traditional brand models tend to offer customers a generalized experience. But, it is important to realize that the buzzwords here are “personalized” and “relevant”, instead of a generic experience meant for everyone.
For any business entity it is the basic requirement to ensure success and sustainability, that their RoI remains higher. Therefore, it is important for any business entity to focus on higher revenue generating tools, like impactful SEO Practices, programmatic advertising and conversational marketing.
The buzzword these days is ‘Scenario Planning’, which is to see the impact of reduced ad spend on the sales.
Due to no or less contact protocols being followed across the world, the marketing and advertising industry is no pariah towards this. Big brands like Nike, Google, Tesco are avoiding real-life shoots but investing more in VFX, animations, illustrations, motion graphics, stock footage, etc. Thus, indicating the growing market of these services.
There are many innovative campaigns which are run on social media handles, for instance, Ikea Israel, posted some instructions on their Facebook page, with instructions, to Simply stay at home, accompanied with a picture of a closed door and a toilet roll. Hence, not to under-estimate the vocal and immediate connecting power of digital media channels, the best part which is that these aren’t limited to the geographical barriers, thus carrying and building brand reputation across the globe.
As an agency or a business entity, it is important to re-evaluate your client relationships, common purposes, joint philosophies, at regular intervals and evaluate, whether they shall last long, if yes, then you are on the right track, if not, then that implies there is course correction required. This is because, the impact of this pandemic shall stay but not long enough to shake the economical standing of the economies’, thereby, and this period shall be seen as a time to cover the lost ground and maintain a secure future with your existing clients and forge new relationships.
With the on-going pandemic, it has opened a Pandora ’s Box full of opportunities and untapped avenues, wherein the traditional go-to-market customers have turned to the space of e-commerce and other online activities. Though, the quantum of surge which is now being experienced could never be predicted earlier, but now is the time to stand up and deliver, because it is the moment to capture your place in the race of digital revolution and create your undisputed identity.