The oil and gas industry is primarily a B2B sector; therefore there is limited interaction with a wider audience, but there is immense competition within the sector itself, hence, you always need to put your best foot forward when it comes to engaging with clients and digital marketing can be your secret weapon.
Online marketing is crucial when it comes to ensuring that your oil and gas company gains the much-needed customer base, that you need to succeed…. ‘Online’ is that gold, which you should dig up asap!!
Let’s understand in brief why digital marketing is important for you:
- Since it is primarily a B2B industry, social media aids you in connecting with people: Social media or digital marketing is primarily associated with the B2C industry, but this theory generally doesn’t stand true as it is equally important for the B2B sector, as said by Fredrik Tukk of Maersk Drilling, that it is not about B2B or B2C, but about People-2-People. The energy sector impacts the functioning of the world, in a multitude of ways and this is where social media comes into the picture. Social media is a tool used by energy companies to reach out to a wider audience, which otherwise they wouldn’t have been able to. Not only does it lend people an insight into your company culture and working, but also acts as a springboard for your recruitment needs; you can run targeted recruitment campaigns to hire the right talent and save huge costs to your company.
- It helps in customer acquisition and retention- Being relevant in the market and providing apt content in relation to what you wish to convey to your audience via various social media channels is of importance and needs careful planning and strategizing. In today’s times, brands that have a positive social media presence, generally carry more authenticity than those who don’t, thus, if you want to have an edge against your competitors, this is when you need to strike if you haven’t yet…what more, due to the pandemic the world is moving towards more online-based activities, this means that your audience is present there all the more. Due to the current times, when the economy is experiencing a downturn, investment in digital marketing would be a low-cost yet effective way to maintain your presence. Focusing on enhancing your customer service, content and SEO can ensure you get great returns at a no or minimal cost.
- Analytics and digital marketing create an impact till the end- With the use of relevant analytic tools and metrics; you can ensure that you are earning good profits. As per Maria Carballosa of DrillingInfo, ‘the importance of translating marketing speak to business speak; a value creator that has a quantifiable result in improving the organization’s bottom to the top layer.’ With the presence of impactful CRM, marketing, and business intelligence tools, you can show sales, finance, and the C-suite the deliverable and resultant impact marketing is creating. With these foundation blocks in place, you can realize and see that marketing goes from a cost driver to a growth driver. Therefore, having a solid digital marketing strategy in place and focused on metrics associated with strong KPIs, should be your plan A to drive growth in your sector.
These are the headers via which you can understand the importance and the subsequent impact of a well-crafted and strategized digital marketing plan. It’s important to develop a blueprint by understanding all the required factors and then working upon the areas that need your attention the most, the aim should be to enhance your visibility and interaction in the long run.