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In facing COVID-19, companies are looking for ways to help, and through that work create a connect with consumers. Consumers hold brands responsible for taking a stand. Surveys show that, 62% of consumers believe that the nation will require help from corporates to tide over the current COVID crisis (Edelman’s COVID-19 Brand Trust Report).
A collective of UK’s industrial, technology and engineering businesses have responded to the national emergency for ventilators for COVID 19 patients. They have come together to produce medical ventilators for the UK. The VentilatorChallengeUK partners have put in their collective expertise and resources to expedite ventilator production and have managed within weeks to design, prototype, receive approvals and set up production facilities within weeks which in normal circumstances would take years to achieve. More than 60 companies and organizations are associated with this initiative , some of them include Airbus, Dell, Microsoft, Unilever, Renault amongst others.
Takumi has launched it’s multimarket pro-bono campaign across TikTok and Instagram during the outbreak of COVID-19 to attempt to protect public health. It is using its network of influencers to create and spread trustworthy and useful information about the pandemic at a time when misinformation has become something of an issue, as well as maintaining positivity. Made up of two separate executions, ‘#SafeHands’ and ‘Protect your mental health’, it runs in the UK, US, Germany, France, Italy and Spain. #SafeHands will raise awareness of the World Health Organisations protection measures against covid-19 and highlight what influencers can do for 20 seconds whilst washing their hands – whether that’s playing keep-ups with a football or singing a song.’Protect your mental health’ is intended to ensure that anyone following social distancing measures are kept in the loop with the latest coronavirus updates and given the best tips to protect their mental health.
*KFC is working with Blessings in a Backpack to provide bags of food for children in need. The brand donated at total of $400,000. This donation will help feed 100,000 children who depend on the federal fee and reduced meal programs at their schools, bridging a critical gap during this global pandemic. To best serve children who are facing school closures, these meals will be distributed through existing Blessings in a Backpack programs at local feeding sites throughout the country.
Facebook is offering $100 million in cash grants and credits to up to 30,000 eligible small businesses in 20 countries. It’s also offering another $100 million in grants and advertising credits for journalists.
Dollar General has earmarked first hour of operations at its store exclusively for senior customers, who are amongst the groups most vulnerable to the COVID-19 . This would ensure that the at risk customers avoid crowded shopping hours.
Netfix has created a $100 million fund to help film and television crews and support staff rendered jobless due to COVID. They include electricians, carpenters, drivers, hair and makeup artists among others who generally work on a contractual basis.
Airbnb has launched a global intiative to provide free/subsidized housing to 100,000 frontline health workers and first responders battling the COVID pandemic. Hosts can opt in through the Airbnb’s Open Home platform and offer their properties free of cost.
There are many more such examples of cause marketing during these COVID times. Such gestures help humanize the brand and portray it as a responsible corporate citizen.